Resource management
How to set information for a Work resource in MS Project

For a Work resource, you need to set the name and type. If you don’t know exactly how many such work resources will be needed in the project, leave the Max. Units field equal to 100%. The value of this field can be clarified later.

In case you know the number of specialists or equipment with this name, you can indicate this number in the Max. Units field - for example, for 5 identical specialists, you will set the Max. Units field to 500%.

More about this field - in the following materials.

If the resource will be busy in the project according to its own schedule, you need to first create this schedule for it (see the Customizing Working Time material). Then in the Base Calendar field, select the created calendar for the resource.

If you already know the cost of using the resource - you can fill in the fields Std. Rate (cost of using the resource per unit of time), Ovt. Rate (cost of using the resource for overtime work per unit of time), Cost/Use (Fixed cost of using the resource for each task), as well as the Accrue at field (when exactly the costs for the resource should appear in the project - at the beginning of the task, at the end or distribute proportionally). About calculating the cost of the project based on the cost of resources - in the following materials.

To describe the resource in more detail, you can open the Resource Information window (by double-clicking on the row with the resource or the button on the Resource tab of the ribbon).
(starting with Project 2010, in previous versions - the Resource Information button is located on the Standard toolbar) or using the hot keys Shift + F2). More about this - in the next material.
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